Sunday, October 24, 2010
Don't forget how to use Infinite Campus
Remind your parents about conferences...
Student Council News
Friday, October 22, 2010
10/22 Block I Homework/Tasks
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Lincoln Douglas Debate
10/20 Classwork & Homework

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10/19 Classwork & Homework

BLOCK I's Task List

1. Start where you left off and complete Offense & Defense: Views on Slavery
Monday, October 18, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
10/13 Homework
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
10/12 Homework
Below you will find our brainstormed list of causes for the Civil War. Feel free to add anything that you feel is missing in your original post. In order to achieve some of the answers, you will need to research.
ONLY SUBMIT ONE POST with each objective answered!!! I advise you to write your response in a Word doc, body of an email, or a Google Doc first and then copy and paste it into your comment.
1. Order the events in chronological order.
2. Order the events by which one contributed the MOST to the Civil War.
3. Look at each event and come up with overarching categories. Some events may seem like overarching categories and you may keep their names and put subtopics below each one.
Causes of the Civil War
Different Economies: industry v. agriculture, taxes/tariffs, labor forces
Opposing Social Views: social classes, etc.
Dred Scott Decision
Frederick Douglass
Nat Turner Rebellion in 1831
Fugitive Slave Act
Compromise of 1850
Uncle Tom’s Cabin published
King Cotton….Christy publishes proslavery Cotton is King
Election of Lincoln in 1860
Mass. Senator Sumner v. S. Carolina Senator Butler
Emancipation Proclamation
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Kansas/Nebraska Act…Bleeding Kansas
States’ Rights v. Federal Govt.
Land from the Mexican American War & Louisiana Purchase
John Brown (all inclusive of what he was involved in)
The South Secedes