Block I
1. For tonight, you want to make sure that you have a Google Doc shared (to edit) with your 3
group members. In the doc, you should have a table set up with the questions from the
Douglas or Lincoln files (depending on which side you are analyzing and debating).
Click on The Douglas Files, The Lincoln Files, OR the Evaluator Files to find your
excerpts and questions to fill in your matrix in the Google Doc.
~For example: The Evaluators made a Google Doc, shared it with each other, assigned each
person a color and divided up the questions to answer. In each cell, we copied and pasted
the questions from the Evaluators Files into each cell. Whoever was assigned a question answered it in their color.
a. Tomorrow during class we will complete the matrices.
b. If your group finishes the matrices early, then you will want to start youtubing
Lincoln/Douglas Debates and Google searching "Lincoln Douglas Debate Format" and
start getting an idea of how you will formulate your answers into the specific parts of the
Lincoln/Douglas Debate.
c. On Friday, we will formally write our debates in our groups.
Block II
1. Complete your products.
*Due to unforeseen tech delays, the vids will be shown on Friday instead of Thursday. :(
2. Complete Lesson 3: Slavery in America (in class)
*For tonight, you want to make sure that you have a Google Doc shared (to edit) with your 3
group members. In the doc, you should have a table set up with the questions from the
Douglas or Lincoln files (depending on which side you are analyzing and debating).
Click on The Douglas Files, The Lincoln Files, OR the Evaluator Files to find your
excerpts and questions to fill in your matrix in the Google Doc.
~For example: The Evaluators made a Google Doc, shared it with each other, assigned each
person a color and divided up the questions to answer. In each cell, we copied and pasted
the questions from the Evaluators Files into each cell. Whoever was assigned a question answered it in their color.
a. Tomorrow during class we will complete the matrices.
b. If your group finishes the matrices early, then you will want to start youtubing
Lincoln/Douglas Debates and Google searching "Lincoln Douglas Debate Format" and
start getting an idea of how you will formulate your answers into the specific parts of the
Lincoln/Douglas Debate.
c. On Friday, we will formally write our debates in our groups.