Miss Bailin will be wearing red, white, and blue the rest of the week OR something to honor those that made such historic events a possibility. Thank you.
It is imperative that you continue your research about the following topics and you commit your ideas to you Google Doc:
- FDR: First 100 Days
- Pres. Obama
- The Death of Osama bin Landen
- Cuban Missile Crisis
Answer this question (where your group wants you to): How are you, as members of our govt. during the time of the Great Depression/Dirty 30s, going to solve the national problem of the Dust Bowl?
Things to think about....
- Bankrupt farmers
- Rural poverty
- Healthcare
- Masses moving to California (too many workers and not enough jobs....eek! Negativity from Cali...roughly one-third of the farmers left it all and headed to California)
- Cali's infrastructure is overtaxed
- Deserted land/farms
- Drought
- Agriculture destroyed
- Destroyed land ( At the end of 1934, roughly 35 million acres of farmland were ruined, and the topsoil covering 100 million acres had blown away)
- Prevention from an environmental standpoint
You have the title as 4/2 :)