Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/10 Thematic Causes of the CIvil War Digitally Narrated Product (due: 11/24)

The final digitally narrated product for the causes of the Civil War is due Wednesday, Nov. 24th!!!!!

If you will NOT be present in class that day, YOUR PROJECT IS DUE BEFORE THAT DATE....NOT AFTER.
  • It will be completed 100% outside of class. No class time will be given. I will also NOT be viewing and providing ANY feedback while you are working. You are at the point where you know what is expected and how to use all of the tools. If you need to trouble shoot, use your classmates, google it, check, etc.
  • It must be uploaded to your Before Brother Fought Brother webpage in your site. I will be viewing it from that location ON Wednesday, Nov. 24th. It will be considered late (10% of a grade deduction will be earned) if you "need a few minutes at the beginning of class to upload it."
  • It should be around 5-7 minutes. Nothing less than 5 minutes will be accepted. No exceptions.
  • Please view the digitally narrated product rubric on the :)DLC7 site. I am uploading the Quarter 2 one that slides the old categories down to challenge your products. It is just another way to goal set and raise expectations.
Here's the Assignment

You will be evaluating the causes of the Civil War and determining which theme (Community, Conflict, Justice, or Wealth/Economy) was the main theme for the start of the war that was fought in the backyards of Americans.

For your technology grade, you are to create a digitally narrated product that persuades the audience that your theme is the main reason why the Civil War started. Please view the Digitally Narrated Product Tech Rubric for how you will be assessed. The quarter 2 one will be up soon. Just focus on the 4 category and you should be fine.

Where do I start?
1. Make a google doc Block #/ThematicCausesCW/YourName
2. Insert a 2 x 4 table
3. Label each category: Community, Conflict, Justice, or Wealth/Economy
4. Below each category (theme) list EVERY event/cause that we have discussed, debated, is on pvOnline, and whatever you find
from researching. YOU MAY PUT MORE THAN ONE EVENT CAUSE INTO EACH CATEGORY and that might help you
make your final decision.

THAT IS WHERE YOU SHOULD START. YOU WILL HAVE LOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTSSSSS OF EVENTS. For some that have already started....keep on going. It is time to get organized! :)

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