Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The metaphor pic is postponed until after break. :( I'm bummed, but I know it isn't all about me.

  • 12/6: We will create our own covers for The Red Badge of Courage (you may do this on your own or in class that day)
  • 12/6: Block II's opening scene products are due! It should be uploaded on your site under your code of conduct.
  • 12/10: Vicksburg or Gettysburg brochure is due. It will be created in Pages (save as a gif or jpeg or screen shot it and upload it to your site under Before Brother Fought Brother (at the bottom)
  • 12/15: Complete ALL pvOnline: do a little bit each day...I posted a sample schedule on the board in class
  • 12/15: Present INFORMAL content on one of these topics (found in pvOnline): Women, Soldier's Life, Children @ War, or War Technology. This means you use what is provided on pvOnline, create some slides with bullets, so you know what you are talking about and sum in up in a meaningfully short public speaking fashion. I'm not grading this for tech. I am ONLY looking at social studies content and public speaking. DON'T go crazy. This will bedone in groups or pairs. I'm undecided so far. It is "laid back" in many respects.
  • 12/16: ALL GRADES CLOSE DISTRICT-WIDE and report cards are processed
  • ***We will pic the sections you want to re-create visually like Block II did (see 12/6) and they will be due most likely on 12/13.

  • Make sure you know what you are expected to read each night. Please discuss/email your leaders. :)

Here is how class will be structured, so PACE is important!!!

Period 1 - work on what you need to
Period 2 - specific Miss Bailin described things OR work on what you need to (depends on the day)
Period 3 - RBOF group work

Period 6 - specific Miss Bailin described things OR work on what you need to (depends on the day)
Period 7 - RBOF group work
Period 8 - work on what you need to

That is all. When we get back from break, we will get into a little Honest Abe moment, the end, and the Reconstruction Period (ugly times kids).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reading Schedule: Kiana, Brady, Sam, Greg, & Oliver's Groups

This is the reading list for the group's mentioned above:

Nov. 30 1-3

Dec. 1 4-6

2 7-9

3,4,5 none- weekend

6 10-12

7 13-15

8 16-18

9 19-21

10,11,12 none- weekend

13 22-end


Friday, November 19, 2010


The only project due on 11/24 will be the Thematic Causes Digitally Narrated Product (DNP).
We will be having a work day on Monday.
Tuesday we will be the peer review and refinement day. You should have MOST of your project done. For the morning class, prospective student will be present in the morning.

The metaphor picture will be due Friday, December 3rd.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1. Thematic Causes of the Civil War
a. Due Date: 11/24
2. Metaphor Picture
a. Due Date: 11/24
3. Opening Scene for The Red Badge of Courage
a. Assigned: 11/17
b. Due Date: TBA

11/17 Homework Reminder

You should be working on your Thematic Causes of the Civil War Digitally Narrated Product AND your Visual Metaphor of yourself. BOTH are due Wednesday, 11/24.

1. Please do not include a face.
3. Don't show ANYONE what you are doing (in class)
4. You are filling up the WHOLE paper EXCEPT for a spot that YOUR FACE would be.
5. Did I mention be creative??? It should be representative of the PERSON YOU REALLY ARE.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Resources for Your Thematic Causes of the Civil War Digitally Narrated Product due: 11/24

Please add a comment to share resources for your classmates.

I have posted a comment below to get you started. When you share a resource, please provide a short description, so students know what to expect by going to that site.

11/12 Some Events to Get you Started

Here is a list to get you started with your causes/events.
  1. Different Economies: industry v. agriculture, taxes/tariffs, labor forces
  2. Opposing Social Views: social classes, etc.
  3. Slavery
  4. Dred Scott Decision
  5. Frederick Douglass
  6. Nat Turner Rebellion in 1831
  7. Fugitive Slave Act
  8. Compromise of 1850
  9. Uncle Tom’s Cabin published
  10. King Cotton….Christy publishes proslavery Cotton is King
  11. Election of Lincoln in 1860
  12. Abolitionists
  13. Mass. Senator Sumner v. S. Carolina Senator Butler
  14. Emancipation Proclamation
  15. Missouri Compromise of 1820
  16. Kansas/Nebraska Act…Bleeding Kansas
  17. States’ Rights v. Federal Govt.
  18. Land from the Mexican American War & Louisiana Purchase
  19. John Brown (all inclusive of what he was involved in)
  20. The South Secedes

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

IMPORTANT: Laptop Check Out Info.

Laptop Check-Out Days for this Project (if you need to schedule something different, you need to arrange it with your partner)
Any day your partner is NOT taking it home, you are welcome to check it out. :)
Wed. 11/10 & Thursday 11/11 (no school) - BLOCK II (day count 2)
Friday 11/12, Saturday 11/13, and Sunday 11/14 - BLOCK I (day count 3)
Monday, 11/15 - BLOCK II (day count 3)
Tuesday, 11/16 - BLOCK I (day count 4)
Wednesday, 11/17 - BLOCK II (day count 4)
Thursday, 11/18 - BLOCK I (day count 5)
Friday, 11/19, Saturday 11/20, Sunday 11/21 - BLOCK II (day count 7)
Monday, 11/22 & Tuesday 11/23 - BLOCK 1 (day count 7)
Wednesday, 11/24 - WE WILL BE VIEWING ALL VIDS!!!!:)

11/10 Thematic Causes of the CIvil War Digitally Narrated Product (due: 11/24)

The final digitally narrated product for the causes of the Civil War is due Wednesday, Nov. 24th!!!!!

If you will NOT be present in class that day, YOUR PROJECT IS DUE BEFORE THAT DATE....NOT AFTER.
  • It will be completed 100% outside of class. No class time will be given. I will also NOT be viewing and providing ANY feedback while you are working. You are at the point where you know what is expected and how to use all of the tools. If you need to trouble shoot, use your classmates, google it, check, etc.
  • It must be uploaded to your Before Brother Fought Brother webpage in your site. I will be viewing it from that location ON Wednesday, Nov. 24th. It will be considered late (10% of a grade deduction will be earned) if you "need a few minutes at the beginning of class to upload it."
  • It should be around 5-7 minutes. Nothing less than 5 minutes will be accepted. No exceptions.
  • Please view the digitally narrated product rubric on the :)DLC7 site. I am uploading the Quarter 2 one that slides the old categories down to challenge your products. It is just another way to goal set and raise expectations.
Here's the Assignment

You will be evaluating the causes of the Civil War and determining which theme (Community, Conflict, Justice, or Wealth/Economy) was the main theme for the start of the war that was fought in the backyards of Americans.

For your technology grade, you are to create a digitally narrated product that persuades the audience that your theme is the main reason why the Civil War started. Please view the Digitally Narrated Product Tech Rubric for how you will be assessed. The quarter 2 one will be up soon. Just focus on the 4 category and you should be fine.

Where do I start?
1. Make a google doc Block #/ThematicCausesCW/YourName
2. Insert a 2 x 4 table
3. Label each category: Community, Conflict, Justice, or Wealth/Economy
4. Below each category (theme) list EVERY event/cause that we have discussed, debated, is on pvOnline, and whatever you find
from researching. YOU MAY PUT MORE THAN ONE EVENT CAUSE INTO EACH CATEGORY and that might help you
make your final decision.

THAT IS WHERE YOU SHOULD START. YOU WILL HAVE LOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTSSSSS OF EVENTS. For some that have already started....keep on going. It is time to get organized! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Block I Homework:
1. Come to school with your Stephen Crane project ready (exported and in your exported products folder). It must be uploaded to your Before Brother Fought Brother web page before you leave.

2. Come dressed to impress.

3. Have your debate ready to rock!

:)Miss Bailin

Monday, November 1, 2010



11/1 Homework

Block I
Debaters - walk into class with your team's entire debate (constructive, cross examination, and rebuttal with a conclusion) on a Google Doc. If you have sections that are incomplete, you need to finish it tonight.

Evaluators - Complete 2-3 more constructives. Please bring these ready to turn in tomorrow.
Start gathering your dress clothes. You may bring them in tomorrow and I will store them in the closet.

ALL BLOCK I STUDENTS - Stephen Crane redos are due on Wednesday. Please come with it already exported and each student should have it loaded to their Civil War (Before Brother Fought Brother) webpage within their :)DLC7 website.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Don't forget how to use Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus

Once you log in, click on "Schedule" which will give the student schedule by term.
Click on the course name for the current term to see grade information.

Remind your parents about conferences...

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent - Teacher Conferences -
Monday, Oct 25th - 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct 26th - 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

These are the only days for conferences.

All teachers will be available at the listed dates and times with the following exceptions:
Tammy Newell: Oct 25th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m and Oct 26th 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Kathy Chesser: Oct 26th 3:00 - 4:30 p.m and 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Holly Mitchell: Oct 25th 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Susannah Suchin: Oct 25th 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Oct 26th 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Lucy Hawking: No conferences
Teri Engle: Tuesday only
Bruce Laks: Oct 25th 6:45 - 8:00 p.m.

Early dismissal at 12:00 p.m. - Wednesday, Oct 27th
Early dismissal at 12:00 p.m. - Thursday Oct 28th
K-8 recess - Friday, Oct 29th

Student Council News

Student Council News
Join us at Yogurt Builderz on Tuesday, October 26th
from 11:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
14202 N Scottsdale Rd #167
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Please bring the flyer with you and 30% of the sales will be donated back to us!

Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22 Block I Homework/Tasks

1. Read the introduction to The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
2. Work on your section of your group's product redo. Due Tuesday, November 2nd!!!
a. Possible Product Types...Be CREATIVE to the MAXXX!!!
1. Students' Choices...put into a Glog
a. Whatever you choose....if should reflect originality and creativity!!!!
b. The audience should be engaged and learn insight into the author
c. Ideas
1. Music Video or Remix
2. Digitally Narrated Animation
3. Mock TV an opening, the actual show, and upcoming
episode scenes
4. I urge you NOT to do parodies because the content is NOT light and poorly
translates into comedy unless you are doing a satire or dark comedy.
5. Interview
6. Movie Trailer
7. Creative Book Review
8. Documentary
9. ??? Student Choice ???
b. Product Content
1. Relevant/Essential life facts that translate into Crane's writing or gives the audience
further understanding of the type of person Crane was
2. Well-developed analysis of his writing style
3. Dissection and explanation of samples from his writing (novels, poetry, etc.)
4. ??? Student Choice ???
c. Don't make "Rookie Mistakes..." because the ante goes up second quarter. You
should always be thinking about your audience FIRST!
1. Have a consistent theme and/or color scheme
2. Link the topics together
4. Large, meaningful images
5. Well-Timed narration
6. Varied movement
d. Assessment
1. Group Leader Evaluation
2. Group Member Evaluation
3. Overall Product Grade
You made an original product. You watched the products and reviewed each. It was critiqued by outside sources. You watched the other block's products. You then analyzed their products. You now know what you should and should not do. Now take this opportunity to play into your strengths and make something WORTHY.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lincoln Douglas Debate

C-SPAN Lincoln Douglas Debates, Galesburg Re-Enactment
*Look at the images and text and view the link at the bottom of the page. :)

Lincoln Douglas Debate Format

10/20 Classwork & Homework

Block I
1. For tonight, you want to make sure that you have a Google Doc shared (to edit) with your 3
group members. In the doc, you should have a table set up with the questions from the
Douglas or Lincoln files (depending on which side you are analyzing and debating).
Click on The Douglas Files, The Lincoln Files, OR the Evaluator Files to find your
excerpts and questions to fill in your matrix in the Google Doc.
~For example: The Evaluators made a Google Doc, shared it with each other, assigned each
person a color and divided up the questions to answer. In each cell, we copied and pasted
the questions from the Evaluators Files into each cell. Whoever was assigned a question answered it in their color.
a. Tomorrow during class we will complete the matrices.
b. If your group finishes the matrices early, then you will want to start youtubing
Lincoln/Douglas Debates and Google searching "Lincoln Douglas Debate Format" and
start getting an idea of how you will formulate your answers into the specific parts of the
Lincoln/Douglas Debate.
c. On Friday, we will formally write our debates in our groups.

Block II
1. Complete your products.
*Due to unforeseen tech delays, the vids will be shown on Friday instead of Thursday. :(
2. Complete Lesson 3: Slavery in America (in class)
*For tonight, you want to make sure that you have a Google Doc shared (to edit) with your 3
group members. In the doc, you should have a table set up with the questions from the
Douglas or Lincoln files (depending on which side you are analyzing and debating).
Click on The Douglas Files, The Lincoln Files, OR the Evaluator Files to find your
excerpts and questions to fill in your matrix in the Google Doc.
~For example: The Evaluators made a Google Doc, shared it with each other, assigned each
person a color and divided up the questions to answer. In each cell, we copied and pasted
the questions from the Evaluators Files into each cell. Whoever was assigned a question answered it in their color.
a. Tomorrow during class we will complete the matrices.
b. If your group finishes the matrices early, then you will want to start youtubing
Lincoln/Douglas Debates and Google searching "Lincoln Douglas Debate Format" and
start getting an idea of how you will formulate your answers into the specific parts of the
Lincoln/Douglas Debate.
c. On Friday, we will formally write our debates in our groups.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19 Classwork & Homework

BLOCK II's Task List
1. Projects should be uploaded to the Starboard laptop on Thursday morning before school.
2. Start where you left off and complete each section through Lesson 3: Slavery in America.
3. Remember to be keeping track of CITED EVIDENCE for the theme (community, conflict,
justice, or wealth) that you will be debating AS YOU COMPLETE EACH TASK.
CITATIONS ARE KEY because you will be referencing stats throughout your televised
debate. I would store this in several places, so that it can be accessed no matter
where you are: Word Doc, Google Doc, body of an email, and on your thumb drive.
4. We will get to the prep and mini debate on Thursday (tentatively).

BLOCK I's Task List
1. Start where you left off and complete Offense & Defense: Views on Slavery
a. You will have today to work and anything that is left unfinished is homework.
2. Remember to be keeping track of CITED EVIDENCE for the theme (community, conflict,
justice, or wealth) that you will be debating AS YOU COMPLETE EACH TASK.
CITATIONS ARE KEY because you will be referencing stats throughout your televised
debate. I would store this in several places, so that it can be accessed no matter
where you are: Word Doc, Google Doc, body of an email, and on your thumb drive.
3. Block I has a discussion on 10/20 and prep for the mini debate (the next lessons after the ones shown above.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10/13 Homework

I am so delighted with the overall discussions from today!!!!

Block I - finish your PROJECTS!!!

Block II -done

:)Miss Bailin

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12 Homework

Below you will find our brainstormed list of causes for the Civil War. Feel free to add anything that you feel is missing in your original post. In order to achieve some of the answers, you will need to research.

ONLY SUBMIT ONE POST with each objective answered!!! I advise you to write your response in a Word doc, body of an email, or a Google Doc first and then copy and paste it into your comment.

1. Order the events in chronological order.

2. Order the events by which one contributed the MOST to the Civil War.

3. Look at each event and come up with overarching categories. Some events may seem like overarching categories and you may keep their names and put subtopics below each one.

Causes of the Civil War

Different Economies: industry v. agriculture, taxes/tariffs, labor forces

Opposing Social Views: social classes, etc.


Dred Scott Decision

Frederick Douglass

Nat Turner Rebellion in 1831

Fugitive Slave Act

Compromise of 1850

Uncle Tom’s Cabin published

King Cotton….Christy publishes proslavery Cotton is King

Election of Lincoln in 1860


Mass. Senator Sumner v. S. Carolina Senator Butler

Emancipation Proclamation

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Kansas/Nebraska Act…Bleeding Kansas

States’ Rights v. Federal Govt.

Land from the Mexican American War & Louisiana Purchase

John Brown (all inclusive of what he was involved in)

The South Secedes

Monday, October 11, 2010

10/11 Block I Homework

Work on your projects that are due this Thursday.
Please refer to your group for what you are expected to do.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/5 Block I & II Homework

Block I & II
1. Complete the assessments from today's student presentations. Email them if you have
NOT received it. These MUST be done tonight.
a. Cody
b. Robert
2. In pvOnline (, Middle School, Search DLC, Select DLC Bailin, scroll to
the bottom of the Putting the "Us" in the Industrial Revolution unit), complete the two
sections below. Make sure that you use the CORRECT posting
and commenting format and that you do each completely and with thought.

Monday, October 4, 2010

10/4 Block I & II Homework

1. Complete the survey that Jake T. emailed you by THIS EVENING because his group will need your answers for class tomorrow. It is in your pvLearners email. If you do not have it, then you need to email and request that he sends you it.

1. If you weren't able to present your IR lesson yet, then I would spend tonight reviewing your content and practicing your part.
2. Complete the survey that Jake T. emailed you by THIS EVENING because his group will need your answers for class tomorrow. It is in your pvLearners email. If you do not have it, then you need to email and request that he sends you it.

CRANE THIS WEEK!!! We have ONE class set of novels. If you would like your own copy, then
you will have to purchase one or check it out from a library.