Wednesday, January 26, 2011
1/26 HW
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday, January 20th, 2010 BLOCK I
- Complete your second peer review/feedback and add it to the comment section on your parenter's page.
- MAKE THE CHANGES TO YOUR WEBSITE. Please keep in mind the categories and the descriptions your worked on today. Here is the info. from my email that you used today: USE THIS LINK
website_design_rubric.html to read more about each category and give quality feeback. YOU MUST WRITE THE CATEGORY TITLE (Excellent, Satisfactory, and so on) next to the category title and YOU MUST INCLUDE COMMENTS. - Content:Comments/Suggestions:Learning of Material:Comments/Suggestions:Links:Comments/Links that don't work/Unnecessary links:Graphics:Comments/Suggestions:Layout:Comments/Suggestions:Navigation:Comments/Suggestions:Color Choices:Comments/Suggestions:Background:Comments/Suggestions:Fonts:Comments/Suggestions:Interest:Comments/Suggestions:Copyright/Citations:Comments/Suggestions:Contact Info./Webmaster:Comments:Spelling & Grammar:Comments/Noted Errors/Word Choice Suggestions:
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday, 1/19/2010
- You should all have your plans done. Please email me a copy of each person's topic/job/whatever you would like to call it. Everyone should have their parts done by Friday, so you can put it together. On Monday, you will have ONE period to run through it (not full screen).
- Your websites are due Friday 1/21. Tomorrow (Thursday) we will do peer feedback.
- You should be working on your websites tonight. Peer feedback is tomorrow.
- Tomorrow, in class, you will be devising your plan for presenting your side's Reconstruction plan.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 18th
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Due on 1/14
You will review a document authored by someone affected by the devastation of the Civil War. The authors were selected to show a variety of contrasting views and also to reflect the different ways that reconstruction affected various states. While one document cannot speak to the effects of the war on an entire state, it will give you an insight into what may have represented a common experience and reaction to the War and its aftermath.
You will analyze the impact of the Civil War through the claims in your document and as they relate to your assigned state. To do this, you will also work through the interactive maps, pictures and quotes as you complete the questions that follow. These are primary source documents that may use language that is unfamiliar to you. No attempts have been made to correct grammatical or spelling errors. Consult a dictionary for unfamiliar terms.
When you have completed your document analysis, you will build a web page in pvlearners that illustrates what you have learned about the condition of life in your state following the Civil War.
Here are some tips:
- write about a point that is interesting to you or that YOU found particularly moving or disturbing
- use photographs and quotes to illustrate your points
- use specific statistics to help explain why the author of your document felt they way he/she did.
- what would it take to make the author of your document believe reconstruction is a good thing? Is it a good thing?
- Don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends or teachers
You will give and receive feedback for your site. The classes will choose one website for each of the states studied to be archived as examples of student work for next year and be listed as a feature site on the district homepage!